Monday, September 16, 2019

Are you ready for renovations and development?

Are you ready to step up to property renovations and development?

I know a lot of investors are considering this as the next phase of their investing, especially at present when capital growth is slow (or in fact minimal in some locations) are the answers you may have been looking for to ensure you take your property investing to the next level.

As you’ve been receiving my blogs by now you will have heard about my upcoming Property Development and Renovation Workshop in late October. property-development_21

It’s long been regarded as Australia’s leading advanced property training.

I’ve been running this workshop for 16 years, and I’ve been delighted at the strong response we’ve received this time year with a many of the 50 places already taken.

But I know there are some people sitting on the fence still, weighing up whether this is the right workshop for them.

If that’s you – and particularly if you’re interested in stepping up to the big leagues of investment and boosting your cash flow and capital growth – then you probably have lots of questions left to ask.

  • Maybe you couldn’t see the value.
  • Maybe you didn’t think it was for you.
  • Maybe you thought you couldn’t afford it?  Or..
  • Maybe you are still keen but just haven’t made your mind up.

Well… this means you still have some questions and that’s understandable.

So to help you make up your mind, today I’m going to answer some of the most common questions we’ve received about the workshop over the last 15 years.

“There are plenty of free seminars I can attend. Why should I pay for yours?”

I agree with you that there are plenty of free seminars.

It’s a free or minimal cost to get into the room, but with these seminars the speakers have to sell you something so the promoter can make money. 

what properties are investment grade

That’s OK and I understand that.

But here’s the important thing for me: a speaker’s talk designed to sell is a lot different from a speaker’s talk designed to teach.

Let me explain…

When presenters are up there selling, you’re not going to get much content; it’s more of a tease so you’ll buy their products or services.

So at my Property Development and Renovation Workshop we are charging you to join us.

But the presenters aren’t selling.

They are there to teach, and given that I’ve put together the best faculty I could find, this means you’ll be getting real world advice from people who are actually making money in today’s property markets.

Not theorists, and not salespeople.

“What if I come to the workshop and find it’s not for me?”

Your investment in this workshop is covered – you risk nothing by saying yes now.

So you could join us for 2 days; see us expose our advanced knowledge in property investment, research, renovation and development; receive our huge workbook along with my property developer’s blueprint and other resources; and see for yourself how much this information means to your investment business.

And if the time we spend together at this workshop does not give you the information you need to be a successful property investors, and if I don’t answer your reasonable questions satisfactorily, you are fully protected by my 100% money back guarantee.

“I don’t live or invest in Melbourne. Will what I learn at the Property Development and Renovation Workshop be relevant where I come from?”

This will be the 16th Property Development and Renovation Workshop, and while I only hold this advanced training in Melbourne, over the years most of the attendees have been from interstate, so we make sure that the content is appropriate for all attendees. In fact every year we have some overseas attendees.

What you will learn about is the approach and process of property investing renovations and development, supported by case studies.

Sure, some differences will occur in costs and regulations in different areas.

But we provide a step-by-step guide on how to build your own property investment business and use property renovations and development to “manufacture” capital growth and improve your cash flow.

This information can be used by investors from all around Australia, so click here now and read more about the workshop (including the 9 bonuses) and reserve your place.

“Will it work for me?”

There is no question about the concepts you will learn and the training you will receive.

The question is…will you take the blueprint that I, plus the other property experts give you?

Will you take this step by step outline that has helped others and use it to become financially independent?

Remember… this event has sold out 14 years in a row and many attendees come back a second time to get a refresher and to pick up new ideas as the program is updated each year.

“Will I be able to implement what I learn and what sort of support will I get?”

Good question.

Young Boy Dressed As Carpenter With Hardhat And Tools

After all, if you are like most people, you have invested in other programs and been to seminars where you learned information that never got used, or didn’t get the promised results.

Remember… we based the content of our workshop on the results of the feedback of 15 previous workshops, so we are sure we are going to give you what you want.

This is your blueprint to growing a multi-million dollar property portfolio that will bring you financial independence.

For those who want to do it alone, you will have all the knowledge that you need.

For those who will want ongoing assistance, we also provide it.

“Will I be able to afford it?”

Surprisingly, for a seminar of this calibre and depth, this will probably be the best and most affordable investment you ever make.

Think about this for a moment…

How much would you expect to pay for such a powerful weekend?

How much would you have to dish out to be able to gain access to Australia’s top property experts?

How about all the amazing bonuses and extras?

$10,000? Maybe $5,000?Property Development

Well, I am not going to use some slick sales gimmick and tell you we have priced the seminar at some ridiculously overly inflated price, and then lower it down to next to nothing.

I am sure you’re smart enough to realise that is just a marketing ploy.

The real question you should be asking yourself is not how much… but… do you trust me to deliver?

You see, you’re not buying a ticket to some seminar.

What you are buying is me and my faculty of top property experts, with our narrowly defined objective to turn you into a more successful property investor.

If you believe that I can do this… then… we have to talk.

The other question you need to answer is… do you have enough confidence in yourself to invest in yourself?

Look, while others are sticking their heads in the sand, frightened of shadows, fearful of the future, investing now in this training takes some serious self-confidence.

The truth is that if you had any doubt on my ability to deliver you wouldn’t have read this far.

So whether or not you attend comes down to your level of commitment, your level of determination to take your property investing to the next level.

So this decision is about you, not me.learn

Not price. Not timing.

Nor the fact that you have to travel to Melbourne.

It’s about you.

And just think about this for a second…

Putting yourself in the spot right now and accepting your place at my Property Development and Renovation Workshop in itself represents a major step forward and upward. Let the commitment be made by registering now to attend – you could change your future for the better with one bold move.

I know I can impact your investing in a positive way.

The question remains: will you let me do it?

What we offer at our the workshop is real-world value… and worth its weight in pure gold.

When you attend my workshop you’ll get your money’s worth – you have my personal guarantee for that!

Plus there are just a few early bird places remaining which give you huge savings and a one on one strategy session with me.

“I’m only a beginner. Will your workshop suit me?”

We have designed this workshop for intermediate and experienced investors, but it is also suitable for well-read beginners.

And to make sure you get the most out of the time you spend with us, there will be a number of pre-learning materials including audio programs and a 8 hour video program to make sure you hit the ground running.

At the workshop we take a holistic approach.

It’s much, much more than just property renovations and development.Hand Of Interior Designer & Architect Working/ Home Decoration Concept

We talk about setting up your own property investment business including the correct entity for tax and asset protection.

We explain how what’s happening in the economy will impact our property markets, how to get finance for your investments and developments, how to research areas for investment and development, planning basics, doing feasibility studies, the 8 step process for property renovations and the 9 step property development process.

By the way…we don’t show you how to lay bricks or use a spray gun…we teach you how to be the project manager of your renovations and developments.

Beginners get the fast track they need and experienced investors attend because they know that if they pick up just one good idea the workshop will pay for itself many times over.

“Is it too late to book?”

Not yet, but many of the early bird spots have gone.

After they have all gone the price goes up.

“Can I book over the phone?”


Although it is quick, easy and secure to reserve your seats online at if you have any further questions or you want to speak with a real person, please call Jo Fitt on 03 9591 8888  or email her at and she will be happy to answer all your questions and help you with your booking.

Wrapping it up:

I hope this has answered many of your questions and you can see for yourself how committed my team and I are to make sure this event is worth every minute of your time.

I’m not one to brag, so I won’t, but apart from the many successful property investors and developers that have attended my workshop, some of the presenters who are now putting on their own property seminars are graduates of my workshop.

When you join us you’ll be exposed to the most up to date strategies and techniques that are working right now, right here in the real world.

Please click here to learn more and grab your spot now.

Or please call my assistant Jo Fitt on 03 9591 8888  or email her at and she will be happy to answer all your questions and help you with your booking.

I look forward to seeing you in October!


Here’s your chance to invest 2 powerful days and learn renovation and development strategies that experienced property experts are using around Australia to “manufacture” capital growth and generate strong rental returns, so that they can win in today’s challenging property markets.

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What’s it all about? Click here and find out more.

Maybe now it’s time you stepped up and played in the big league by getting started in property renovations or development.

This is the course where other “experts” who are now teaching got their education. Click here find out more and reserve your place

Michael Yardney


from Property UpdateProperty Update

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