Thursday, October 31, 2019

October in review: Our top 10 trending articles for this month

Are you keen to keep up to date with the continual changing world of property investment, success, personal finance and wealth creationhouse-computer-searchstrategies?

Well…here’s a list of our 10 most read blogs over the last month, in case you missed them.

Did you know that more than 115,000 people subscribe to our Property Updateblog? Some subscribe to the daily commentary while others get the weekly summary.

And that over the course of the month, we’ve published hundreds of articles, but of course, some are always more popular than others.

So as another month comes to an end, we thought it would be a good idea to share the top 10 blogs our readers enjoyed so you can take another look at the stories that meant the most to our subscribers.

Australian Housing Market Update October 2019 | PROPERTY INSIDERS VIDEO

Australia’s housing markets have clearly turned the corner.

The housing market recovery in our two biggest cities, Melbourne and Sydney, gained pace with property prices increasing over the last month.

Buyers are back making plans, looking at properties and approaching their lenders for finance.

Click here to read more

Buy Home In Australia

Latest property price forecasts revealed. What’s ahead in the next year or two?

What’s ahead for our property markets in the next year or two?

That’s a question people are asking now that our real estate markets have turned the corner.

Click here to read more


We’re heading for a housing shortage and higher prices says the RBA

The property cycle is alive and well.

Reserve Bank deputy governor Guy Debelle recently said a shortfall in housing supply was “quite likely” in the foreseeable future and that would trigger a “larger price response” in property values.

Click here to read more

Reserve Bank Of Australia

You may need half the deposit you thought for your next investment

The nation’s largest lender to property investors is looking for more business.

Westpac and its subsidiaries Bank of Melbourne, St George and BankSA, have just reduced the minimum deposits they require from investors from 20 per cent to 10 per cent for interest-only investment loans.

Click here to read more

Hands of businessman

Are we heading for a recession?

GDP growth in the economy was just 1.4 per cent over FY2019.

After accounting for estimated population growth, there was a negative result for GDP per capita at -0.2 per cent.

Click here to read more

news bad economy

Here’s where you shouldn’t invest if you want property success

Two-thirds of property investors make the mistake of buying in their own backyard.

Now we know that most property investors never achieve the financial freedom they’re looking for.

Click here to read more


0.75% is a record low, but don’t think for a second the Reserve Bank has finished cutting the cash rate

Anyone who thought that with the Reserve Bank’s cash rate now close to zero, its run of interest rate cuts was over, needs only to read the last sentence of Governor Philip Lowe’s announcement after Tuesday’s cut …

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reserve bank

House or Apartment? Here is a better question…

People often ask me what makes a better investment, a house or an apartment.

I believe there is an even better question you should be asking to ensure you make the best decision.

The question is…

“Which has the better land value?”

Click here to read more

Different Size Houses

Let’s dispel 4 myths about borrowing money to invest

For decades, most people’s money mindsets were focused on reducing debt as quickly as possible.

A newly married couple would buy a house and then diligently pay off the mortgage over the next 20 or 30 years

Click here to read more

Money Bank Pig

What if interest rate cuts fuel house prices but nothing else? | Property Insiders

The RBA’s third reduction in the cash rate in five months was their attempt to increase employment and lift stubbornly low inflation.

The long-expected move follows clear of signals from Governor Philip Lowe that the Reserve Bank was prepared to push rates lower to increase employment and lift stubbornly low inflation back into the 2-3% target band.

But what if interest rates fuel house prices, but don’t have the desired effects on the economy?

Click here to read more

Interest Only Lending Australia

fact: our markets are on the move

from Property UpdateProperty Update

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