Wednesday, November 6, 2019

[Podcast] 7 Shocking Differences Between Rich Habits of Men and Women | RICH HABITS, POOR HABITS Podcast

Are men and women different when it comes to their wealth habits?

The simple answer is yes and in today’s episode you may find out a little bit more about how you’re wired. Rhph 17 The Difference Men Women

You see… we all have some rich habits and some poor habits, so after this episode, you’ll be able to adopt some great rich habits and eliminate some of your poorer habits. 

Differences Between Rich Habits of Men and Women

#1 Gambling

Women gamble less than men. 

Not only do fewer women gamble, but for the women who do gamble, they gamble less frequently.

#2 Risk Tolerance Risk 1

Men have a higher risk tolerance than women.  

Men are by nature hardwired to be more aggressive than women.

This aggressive nature gives men a higher risk threshold. This is a good thing and a bad thing. 

A low risk tolerance is a good thing when it comes to making big purchasing decisions. 

Women are more apt to study the details of a major purchase than men.

The devil is always in the details, so understanding the details can save you from making a big purchasing mistake.

#3 Reading

Women read more than men.

That’s the good news. 

The bad news is that women read more for entertainment.

Men, conversely, read more for learning and self-improvement.

#4 Communication  Agreement 2679506 1920

Women are better communicators than men.

In fact, the average woman speaks 7,000 words a day compared to 2,000 for men. 

Good communication is a Rich Habit. Miscommunication damages relationships, businesses, negotiations and can lead to mistakes and failure. 

Because women are better communicators, they are better at seeking feedback.

Feedback is critical to understanding what to do and what not to do. Good feedback minimizes mistakes and reduces the probability of failure.

#5 Creativity

Men are more creative than women.

This is physiological. 

Men have a smaller corpus collosum.

The corpus collosum is the bundle of neural never fibers that separates the right hemisphere of the brain from the left. 

Recent studies on creativity have shown that those with a smaller corpus collosum are hardwired for greater creativity.

#6 Organizational Skills

Women have greater organizational skills than men. 

Because they pay more attention to details and are more cautious by nature, they tend to do more planning.

This makes them better organized when it comes to facts then men.

#7 Saving Money

Women are better at saving money. Young Businessman Makes Money With Homemade Money Machine

They are more cautious with their money.

They comparison shop to get the best deals.

They look for discounts. 

Links and Resources: 

Michael Yardney


Tom Corley Rich Habits

Get your own copy of our international best seller Rich Habits Poor Habits 

Some of our favourite quotes from the show: 7 Steps To Developing Good Habits

“The habits that you have are the reason that you either live in a beach house or in a slum in the outer suburbs.” – Michael Yardney

“Poor communication damages relationships, it’s not as good in business, it makes it hard for negotiation, and it leads to misunderstanding, mistakes, and failures.” – Michael Yardney

“You are today the result of all the things you’ve chosen to do and all the things you’ve chosen not to do.” – Michael Yardney 


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