Happy New Year – it promises to be another fantastic year.
2019 was one of the best years of my life, my health was good, my family was happy and well, and we’re blessed with 11 grandchildren, business has been great, my new Michael Yardney Podcast has been a real hit and has had almost 150,000 downloads since we started in August and Pam and I are heading overseas tomorrow on a fantastic vacation.
It’s days like this that I like to reflect…
I look back on where I came from.
Then, I appreciate where I am.
And finally, I think about where I want to be.
It’s an interesting exercise I conduct that keeps me thankful, grateful and just as importantly motivated.
Maybe this is an exercise you should do too!
Let me explain…
1. Look back at where you came from.. 
What hardships have you overcome and how did you manage to do this?
I’ve had more than my share of hardships, but when I look back many of them have been self inflicted.
As you reflect you’ll find that you’ve gotten through many stumbling blocks life has put in your way.
And even if you’re going through one right now, you’ll know there’s a light at the end of the tunnel because your past proves your ability to overcome it.
That’s why you should feel thankful.
2. Appreciate where you are…
Think about all the things in your life you should be grateful for.
If you’re reading this you’re most likely in the 0.3% of the world’s population who live in Australia, and compared to most of the world you’ll find that life is pretty good.
And even if you think it could be better, there are so many people in worse situations.
That’s why you should feel grateful.
3. Think about where you want to be in the future… 
And what are you going to have to do to ensure you get there.
Now you’ll know that you still have work to do, and this should keep you motivated.
If you can find the time today (or in the next few days) please ask yourself these 3 questions to help you get yourself ready for a new year filled with progress.
I hope you’ll also have time for a great holiday break and here’s to an amazing 2020.
from Property UpdateProperty Update https://propertyupdate.com.au/3-questions-to-help-make-this-year-your-best-year-yet/
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