Monday, January 6, 2020

[Podcast] Pete Wargent’s 6 Rules for Wealth Creation

You rarely see psychology discussed alongside business and investment, but I believe that psychology is foundational to entrepreneurial success.

Your mindset matters when it comes to achievement.Podcast Ss2 Pete Wargent 6 Rules

In today’s episode, I chat with Pete Wargent and discuss his 6 rules for wealth creation.

Some of them may surprise you.

6 Rules for Wealth Creation: 

  1. Increase Your Self-Esteem – People with low self-esteem may unconsciously sabotage their own success, because they don’t believe they deserve it. Work on retraining your brain to think positively.
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  2. Think Long-Term – True wealth is built slowly over time. Follow this principle and exploit the power of compound growth.
  3. Study and Counsel with Wise People – If you want to be successful, learn from successful people. Mentors can help you realise your full potential.
  4. Pay Yourself First – Make yourself your first priority. Save and then invest a decent sum first, then pay your other bills.
  5. Control Your Expenditures – You need to know where your money is going. Study your expenditures and see how you can close gaps where you’re spending money unnecessarily.
  6. Take Action – You can’t be successful if you never make a move. Take massive and consistent action and refuse to give up.

Links and Resources:

Michael Yardney

Metropole Property Strategists

Rich Habits Poor Habits

Michael Yardney’s Mentorship Program

Pete Wargent

Some of our favourite quotes from the show: success invest

“You can change the way you think about yourself, you can change your habits, you can upgrade your financial thermostat, and that’s through personal development.” – Michael Yardney

“Most of what you do all day is unconscious, is at the subconscious level. You don’t even realize it.” – Michael Yardney

“I think the message is spend less than you earn, and then save that difference, and overtime invest that money.” – Michael Yardney


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