Thursday, February 27, 2020

February in review: Our top 10 trending articles for this month

Are you keen to keep up to date with the continual changing world of property investment, success, personal finance and wealth creationhouse-computer-searchstrategies?

Well…here’s a list of our 10 most read blogs over the last month, in case you missed them.

Did you know that more than 115,000 people subscribe to our Property Update blog? Some subscribe to the daily commentary while others get the weekly summary.

And that over the course of the month, we’ve published hundreds of articles, but of course, some are always more popular than others.

So as another month comes to an end, we thought it would be a good idea to share the top 10 blogs our readers enjoyed so you can take another look at the stories that meant the most to our subscribers.

What’s ahead for Brisbane’s property market?

Is it the right time to follow the sun and move into the Brisbane property market?

Well…according to Domain’s Property Price Forecasts February 2020, Brisbane is predicted to see some of the biggest house price rises in Australia over the next two years, rising by a whopping 8 per cent over the next 12 months alone.

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Suburb Brisbane2


Latest property price forecasts revealed. What’s ahead in the next year or two?

What’s ahead for our property markets in the next year or two?

That’s a question people are asking now that our real estate markets have turned the corner.

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Your Future

Property Investment In Melbourne – 29 Real Estate Market Tips

The Melbourne property market has been one of the strongest and most consistent performers over the last few decades.

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Propertyupdate Victorian Property Melbourne

As I got older I realised these 33 things

As we get older we get wiser. least that’s the idea, isn’t it?

Here’s a great list I found on twitter.

I wish I was smart enough to have come up with this great list I found on twitter from Vala Afshar

As I got older I realised these 33 things …

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Against The Stream Opposite Concept Leader Goldfish


Property Investment In Sydney – 20 Market Insights

Sydney’s property market has been the central focus of the real estate industry lately…

Particularly as Australia’s largest property market is on the move again.

Sydney’s property market is well and truly on its way back up, with the latest data revealing the city’s median house price increased 6.8 per cent in the 12 months ending December 2019.

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5 Property market predictions that are guaranteed to happen in 2020

Around this time each year it is customary for those of us in the property industry to peer into the future in an attempt to predict what’s ahead for our housing markets in the coming year and beyond.

While making such forecasts is not an exact science, I can safely make five predictions that I am certain will be true for 2020.

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Future Sydney Scenarios

Double digit house price growth now forecasts by ANZ

As the sharp rebound in Australian house prices continues the ANZ Bank has increase its growth forecasts for 2020.

The bank expects nationwide prices to rise solidly in 2020, but suggest the pace of monthly gains will moderate, helped by rising new listings of properties for sale.

Click here to read moreAustralian Money In Wallet On Real Estate Background

State by State Update on the Australian Property Markets | February 2020 Chart Pack

Australia’s housing markets rebounded strongly last year and this strength has continued into 2020.

In fact the property upturn which started in our big two capital cities in the middle of last year has become more widespread with housing values rising across every capital city in January according to the latest stats from CoreLogic.

Click here to read more

Economic growth

Do you understand the Five Levels of Investing?

If you want to become a successful property investor you really need to understand the five levels of investing which is a model I’ve created to explain the progression most investors take in their path to developing financial freedom.

Just to make things clear … this has nothing to do with your level of income.

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House Money Value

2020: A year of confusion, concern and consternation. The perfect environment for strategic property investors

2020 has already shown itself as a year of confusing economic signals, mixed real estate messages and bewildered investors.

In other words: the perfect environment for strategic long-term real estate investors.

Click here to read more

risk investment market

Want to take advantage

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