Thursday, March 25, 2021

A short cut to building a true property investment business

If you are serious about growing a very significant property portfolio and establishing a real “property investment business” – I’ve got some great tips for you today.

And if you’re not sure what I mean when I say “treat your property investing like a business” or how you do that or even why it’s important, then you really must read on.20523264_l

The realisation of the importance of this came to me many years ago after reading the Cap Gemini Wealth Report and finding that the vast majority of Australia’s high net worth individuals made their money from being in business.

You see…that’s not what I was hoping to find.

I would have liked to read that they made their wealth through property investment.

Anyway…this revelation completely changed how I ran my real estate investing.

I guess this happened because it changed the way I looked at things and I remember hearing Dr. Wayne Dyer say:

 “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”  

Changing the way I approached my property investment took me to a whole new level, but it wasn’t easy – at least it didn’t seem so at the time.

Looking back I can now see some shortcuts I would have taken if I knew then what I know now, and I’ll share these with you in a moment but first I must start with some basics…

 1. Begin With the End in Mind

The process for building your property investment business is just that – a process, and it takes time.

It means formulating a plan to achieve your intended outcome and then taking the necessary steps to reach your goal.

By knowing where you’re going you can begin to define and build the foundation to support your business.

You will need your foundation to provide stability and longevity, be sustainable, and have the capacity to support your vision.

2. Take action 

If you cornered me and asked me to come up with one single trait that I have found in common amongst the successful investors I’ve come across… what would that be?

It’s that they make decisions and take appropriate action. As Steven Covey said:

“The Best Way You Can Predict Your Future Is To Create It.”

That’s why I’m really looking forward to spending 5 days at Wealth Retreat on June 12th -16th  – it’s an amazing atmosphere being in a room with 50 actions takers plus an expert faculty.

You know…sometimes I think I learn as much from the successful property investors there as they learn from me.

3. Begin by developing a mindset for your business success

In his book The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace Wattles taught that your thoughts lead to your feelings  -> your feelings lead to your actions -> your actions lead to your results.

The time I first read this many years ago was probably when I started to understand the power of developing the right mindset.

I learned that your inner world (thought and feelings) lead to your outer results (actions and results)

The decisions you make (or don’t make) lead to the actions you take (or don’t take) and this creates the results you achieve.

By the way… this is not metaphysical “rah rah stuff” – mindset is what separates the truly successful property investors from the pack.

4. Understand the difference between investing and speculating 36308275 - businessman thinking on consulting scheme on a white background

To treat your real estate investing like a business, begin by clearly deciding you are investing in…not speculating in real estate.

To build a profitable portfolio and business of investing in real estate, it is essential that you understand and apply the supporting economic fundamentals.

These fundamentals impact the real estate market and affect your decision-making process.

Obviously, we discuss these factors in-depth at Wealth Retreat.

If you would like to secure one of the remaining spots please call Jo Fitt now on 03 9591 8888 or email her –

When you join us I will personally guarantee your satisfaction -and I’m comfortable doing so with our 16-year track record.

5. Build Your Team

Leverage your time by leveraging the strengths of others.

I’ve never seen a self-made millionaire.

The success of your business will greatly depend on the quality of the team of professionals you bring together to support you.

If you secure one of the remaining at Wealth Retreat you will spend 5 days with the best faculty of experts I could find in Australia plus have as much one on one time, and as many private sessions as you need, with the accountants, finance strategists, lawyers, financial planners, property development experts, and property investment experts.

When you join us I will personally guarantee your satisfaction -and I’m comfortable doing so with our 16-year track record.

If you would like to secure one of the last  spots please call Jo Fitt now on 03 9591 8888 or email her –

“Build Your Team… Don’t Hire Specialists, Invest In Them”

6. Manage Your Cash Flow

By now you’d know my investment philosophy is all about building a large asset base – investing for capital growth and not cash flow.  calculator coin money save debt

However, cash flow is critical to keep you in the game as you build your property portfolio.

But rather than tainting their business with poorer performing cash flow positive properties, sophisticated property investors set up financial buffers to buy themselves time to get through the ups and downs of the property cycle.

Of course, we spend a significant amount of time teaching advanced finance concepts at Wealth Retreat – there will a number of finance strategists there to help the attendees get the banks to say “yes” more often.

7. Recognise that it takes time.

When I started my investment journey I was in a hurry – I wanted it all and I wanted it “now.” – The impatience of youth.

I eventually learned that most property investors never really develop financial independence, and for those who do, they treat their property investments like a business and even so it can take up to 30 years to build financial freedom.

So what’s the shortcut?


Here’s the shortcut I learned many years ago that allowed my property business to leap forward.

It was to have mentors.

Do you currently have a business mentor?  

As I said, I attribute much of my success to my life-long commitment to my own personal development… and to choosing the right business mentors who support me, inspire me, and keep me grounded.

One of the problems a lot of people face when they’re getting started in their property investment business is the amount of (often conflicting) advice that is available. Suddenly everyone is a property expert!

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

Who are you listening to? Are you taking notice of the right people? team puzzle help build

Could the advice you’re taking be to the detriment of your growth rather than helping you become more successful?

So today, I wanted to offer you the opportunity to join us at Wealth Retreat 2021 where you can spend 5 days (June 12th -16th) with a powerful group of people who could become your mentors.

Some are my mentors in various disciplines and my personal business coach will be there and he could also become your coach. I know Mark is able to take on 3 new clients this year.

If you would like to secure one of the remaining spots please call Jo Fitt now on 03 9591 8888 or email her –

Here’s 4 questions you can ask yourself to make sure you choose your mentor wisely.

Your ideal property investment business mentor is somebody who;

  • Is already successful in the areas you require mentoring and has been so for a long period of time.
  • Who ‘gets’ you and your goals.
  • Can introduce you to new opportunities…and ways of working.
  • Inspires you.

So there you go…

A few things to think about before setting down your journey to success. goal-image-300x296

However, if you are serious about building your own property investment business, one that one day will deliver you financial security….if you’re already a property investor and keen to take your property investment to the next level…if you are intent on getting involved in property development….if you’re looking for a group of like-minded, supportive people to mastermind with…if you’re looking for the next level of property information and knowledge, things that are not in the books or on the internet – I have an invitation that could help you create a completely different life for yourself.

For the last 20 years, I’ve been educating property investors through powerful seminars, books, and webcasts and for the last 15 years (together with a small group of my mastermind advisors) I have also worked privately with select clients to take them from where they are now…to where they want to be.

In fact, some of my greatest pleasure comes from working directly with people who truly want to make the internal changes and life-changing decisions that will allow them to achieve the goals they want to reach!

And when they attend Wealth Retreat our faculty gives them a toolbox stuffed full of new tools to help them reach their goals.

For 5 days at a resort on the Gold Coast, together with my mastermind team of property, tax, and finance experts, I will work privately with you to help you create your own property investment business to give you and your family the meaningful, fulfilling and exciting life you deserve.

There are only 50 people in the room and currently there are a few early bird spots available for this incredible private client experience.

Will you be one of them? Don’t count yourself out!

Please click here now and find out more and then let’s work together.

To secure your place please call Jo Fitt now on 03 9591 8888 or email her –

When you join us I will personally guarantee your satisfaction -and I’m comfortable doing so with our 16-year track record.

from Property UpdateProperty Update

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