Tuesday, March 16, 2021

If You Could Live the Second Half of Your Life Differently From The First, What Would You Do With It?

If you are serious about building your own property investment business, one that one day will deliver you financial securit.

If you’re already a property investor and keen to take your property investment to the next level…Business Teamwork, Success And Strategy Concept

If you are intent on getting involved in property development….

If you’re looking for a group of like-minded, supportive people to mastermind with…

If you’re looking for the next level of property information and knowledge, things that are not in the books or on the internet…

If you’re looking to create Lifetime Wealth and leave a legacy…

I have an invitation that could help you create a completely different life for yourself.

Maybe it’s a chance for you to live the second half of your life very differently from the first half.

For the last 20 years I’ve been educating property investors through powerful seminars, books, and webcasts and for the last 15 years (together with a small group of my mastermind advisors) I have also worked privately with select clients to take them from where they are now…to where they want to be.

In fact, some of my greatest pleasure comes from working directly with people who truly want to make the internal changes and life-changing decisions that will allow them to achieve the goals they want to reach!

And when they attend Wealth Retreat our faculty gives them a toolbox stuffed full of new tools to help them reach their goals.

Once again this year starting June 12th, 2021 — for five days— Dr. Andrew Wilson, Simon Kuestenmacher, Pete Wargent, Tom Corley, Ken Raiss, a group of finance strategists, Mark Creedon (my business coach and founder of Business Accelerator Mastermind) together with me will work with 75 individually selected clients in the transformational environment of a resort on the Gold Coast.

If you are interested in joining us at Wealth Retreat 2021 please ring Jo Fitt on 03 9591 8888 or email her at jfitt@metropole.com.au and she’ll explain all about it to you or express your interest in our Wealth Retreat website.

Don’t count yourself out from coming…

While Wealth Retreat is a high-end workshop with many already successful delegates, every year a group of aspiring investors join us and get the type of information that propels them ahead – the type of information I would have loved to have when I started out. Against The Stream Opposite Concept Leader Goldfish

When you join us you will work with us informal learning and one on one sessions as we take you on a powerful 4-step process to get your goals and passions aligned, and then get you moving forward towards taking BIG actions, and creating even bigger results.

The goal of this retreat is to take your property investing to a new level – not up to one or two notches, but a whole new level so you build yourself a true property investment business.

You’ll leave with not only a property business plan but also finance, tax, and asset protection plan.

And business owners and professionals will learn how to grow a Level 3 Business in special break-out sessions with Mark Creedon.

Here is a snap-shot of this 5 Day Process:

Step 1: Getting Clear, Grounded, and Focused

Using powerful exercises, we will get you into the state that is needed to truly get the most of this 5-day learning experience.

The results of this session have surprised even the most advanced property investors and entrepreneurs. light-bulb-idea-leader-think-smart-clever-failure-motivate-thought

This is not a metaphysical “rah-rah” seminar, but even the most successful investors I work with are driving around with one foot on the accelerator and one on the brake.

While they have empowering beliefs, most still play within their comfort zones (even though they don’t realise it.)

I help you get rid of some of your disempowering beliefs and put you in the right state to learn a whole lot of new information.

If we don’t clear some of the clutter in your mind, there won’t be room for all the new good stuff.

This means you will learn where you have gotten stuck in the past (you might not even realise you’ve been stuck), and how to strategically release these so-called brakes that have been holding you back.

Step 2: Life Purpose and Passions

Once you are in this powerful state of clarity, you can then move forward to discovering your true life purpose and passions.

Again this is definitely not a metaphysical seminar where we dance on the tables and massage each other’s shoulders, but…

Identifying, acknowledging, and honouring your purpose is perhaps one of the greatest action steps successful people take.

You will learn to identify what you are truly meant to do, and then pursue that purpose with passion, enthusiasm, and integrity.

For many, it has to do with property, shares, business, and money.

For others, it is about contribution.

And for yet others, it’s about leaving a legacy.

Step 3: Strategy, Mastermind, Plan

During Step 3, we will work together (at times one on one) to strategise your goals, align them with your purpose and passions and take part in powerful mastermind sessions.

These mastermind sessions will help you garner new ideas, action strategies, and plan to achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

Whether it’s creating more balance in your life, traveling the world while your property business works on autopilot, getting started in property development – or any other goal – we’ll deliver the information, advice, and know-how you’ll need to get going.

Step 4: Master the Art of Action and Perseverance 

You will leave with an action plan and this will be followed up with a personal one-on-one strategy session with me to make sure you will implement this plan.

This will help you pursue, and maximize your goals.

expert leader

You’ll also learn how to master the art of taking action and persevering in the face of anything that gets in your way of achieving what you want.

I’m not going to lie, we all come up against barriers – it’s part of life.

It’s knowing how to deal with these obstacles, and how to rise above them that really sets you apart from the rest, which you will learn how to do during the upcoming retreat.

Our goal is to give you the tools to achieve the dreams you want for yourself.

The Program includes:

  • 5 Full Days with our expert faculty including property, tax, finance, financial planning and equities experts including Dr. Andrew Wilson, Tom Corley, Ken Raiss, Pete Wargent, Louise Bedford, our finance strategists, my business coach Mark Creedon and me plus…
  • All meals and accommodation and entertainment – which means we spend almost all of the day together – from breakfast ‘til when we go to bed
  • An advanced education program plus recordings of the event and program materials
  • One-on-one sessions with many of our faculty.
  • Some surprises!
  • A follow-up one-on-one strategy session with me to help you implement your learnings.

Just imagine…

Imagine if you had the opportunity to hang out for 5 days with Richard Branson, Robert Kiyosaki, and Warren Buffett.

What would that mean to you?

How would you come out differently?

Well…I haven’t invited Branson, Kiyosaki, or Buffett to Wealth Retreat, but I have invited the Australian equivalents and that’s who you’ll hang out with for 5 days.

What could this mean to you?

If you’ve ever wanted to “hang out” with me or the other members of our faculty in a private setting – knowing that your life would be transformed in the process – this is your opportunity.

If you are interested in joining us you please ring Jo Fitt on 03 9591 8888 or email her at jfitt@metropole.com.au and she’ll explain all about it to you or express your interest in our Wealth Retreat website.

What It’s Like to Spend Time With Authentic Individuals of This Caliber…

Sitting down with powerhouses the likes of our faculty during this unique five-day experience will be an exhilarating experience indeed.
They are all very successful in their own fields and comfortable with their achievements.

They know how to get things done. A Crowd Of People Is Standing And Looking At A Lonely Man Standing. People Follow The Leader, The Boss. Hearings, Forum, Rally. Expulsion Of A Person From The Collective. Propaganda, Listening.

When they set goals, things happen.

To them, most dreams are easy to accomplish.

In fact, it’s what they do every day.

And it’s one reason why working with mentors at this level will catapult you further and faster than virtually any other approach.

Of course, don’t discount the other attendees you’ll meet at this retreat.

Each year we attract top-level players who you’ll meet and interact with over five empowering days.

Who knows what dreams could be hatched over lunch or as part of the day’s group activities?

This will be different from any other wealth training you’ve attended

As you can imagine, working in a private setting like this with me and my faculty is an experience that will be different from any training, seminar or workshop you’ve ever attended.


It is an extremely unique opportunity – a very rare chance to work with all these great mentors together.

This experience at Wealth Retreat will be unlike any you’ve ever encountered.

And unlike other programs, we understandably must limit the number of participants we can work with ensuring a unique and intensely personal environment.

Just 50 people will get to participate with us at this private retreat in November.

If you are interested in joining us you please ring Jo Fitt on 03 9591 8888 or email her at jfitt@metropole.com.au and she’ll explain all about it to you or express your interest on our Wealth Retreat website.

To qualify as a participant:

  1. You must agree to spend all designated times with me and my faculty – immersing yourself in their processes, consulting sessions, transformational work and brainstorming discussions. team puzzle help build
  2. It would be great if you already own a number of investment properties. This is NOT a beginner’s workshop. We’re looking for property investors who want to become financially independent by building a true property investment business. But if you’re a well-read beginner don’t hold back – I’ll gift you a property investor’s pack of pre-workshop learning material so you hit the ground running
  3. If you’re already a serious property investor – ready to go to the next level and looking for a network of like-minded movers and shakers – this is definitely for you.
  4. You may be a business person, share trader, or entrepreneur – because many of the lessons you will learn will apply to other business aspects of your life.
  5. You should be interested in value add techniques that manufacture capital growth and rental returns in our flat property markets.
  6. You must be open to new strategies that produce results quicker and more safely than what the average property investor does. So you must be open to new ways of thinking and unique ways of applying knowledge.

If you qualify and will agree to diligently dedicate yourself to the learning process, we will welcome you to our Wealth Retreat for five days from June 12th to June 16th, 2021.

You can find out more and register your interest by clicking here www.WealthRetreat.com.au


If you are interested in joining us you please ring Jo Fitt on 03 9591 8888 or email her at jfitt@metropole.com.au and she’ll explain all about it to you or express your interest on our Wealth Retreat website and secure your place quickly and have a qualification interview with me.

Your journey begins with just an email away.

Others who’ve joined us in the past are living the life of their dreams. (In fact many are returning to Wealth Retreat this year.)

Shouldn’t the next success story be you?

from Property UpdateProperty Update https://propertyupdate.com.au/live-second-half-life-differently-first/

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