Monday, March 8, 2021

[Podcast] The 12 habits of highly successful people you should also practice with Mark Creedon | Build a Business, Not a Job Podcast

Success is no accident.

The most successful people in life – whether in business, family life, music, or on the sports field – may not always seem like they have much in common.

How are The Beatles similar to Steve Jobs? Or Warren Buffett and Shane Warne?  Bab#20 – 12 Traits Of Successful People You Must Understand

But when their traits, habits, and work ethics are distilled down, these unlikely characters share many similarities.

You see, aside from the random element of luck, much of what makes some people successful involves the cultivating of certain habits. Learning what these habits are and how to employ them in your own life is worthwhile.

So in this month’s Build a Business Not a Job podcast, I’m going to discuss 15 of the common success habits with Mark Creedon founder of Business Accelerator Mastermind.

And if you’re not in business or planning to go in one, if you’re planning to be successful in your life, in your career, or as a property investor you’ll definitely be listeners

And then I’m going to have a chat with Mark about his new book – Have a Business, not a Job and I’ll get Mark to share 3 special tips or takeaways from his book you could start implementing straight away.

Habits of Highly Successful People

  1. Capitalize on the time you’ve got. Time is your most valuable and scarcest resource. Successful people understand this and think in terms of minutes instead of days and weeks. They understand the true value of their time and manage their priorities accordingly.
  2. Understand what the most important task is that you have to do in your day. Lock that in and schedule time to work on that task first.
  3. Control your inbox.
  4. Schedule meetings as a last resort and make sure that you have a clear time frame. There’s no sense in having a meeting just to have a meeting.
  5. Say “no” to more things. Business owners appreciate input from workers who know how to prioritize immediate goals.
  6. 80 percent of your results will come from 20% of your activities, so slow down and take stock of your activities and what actually is getting results.
  7. Consider batching your work.
  8. If you can do something quickly, get it out of the way. Do it, delegate it, or delete it.
  9. Know the rules of delegation.
  10. Set aside time to journal. It allows clarity of thought and the opportunity to take stock for a moment.
  11. Look after yourself, your body, your energy, and your focus. It’s not a constant marathon, try taking the time in sprints instead.

Takeaways from Mark’s Book

The book was designed for people who were just getting started in their business journey and to help them overcome some of the hurdles. Or for people who own a business that they have to work all the time (so it’s still a job.) Some of the major things readers will take away from the book include:

  • Understanding that time is the most precious commodity that they have, so they’ll understand how to make better use of it.
  • Understanding that the people around you are your most important asset.
  • Tapping into what the true product is that you’re selling.

Links and Resources:

Why not join Metropole’s Business Accelerator Mastermind

Learn more about Mark Creedon – Business Coach to some of Australia’s leading entrepreneurs

Get a copy of Mark’s new book hereHave a business not a job

Some of our favourite quotes from the show: Business Teamwork, Success And Strategy Concept

“Most people work on other people’s most important task first.” – Michael Yardney

“Every time you put something on your list, you’re actually saying “no” to something else.” – Michael Yardney

“Clients really seem to want a straight answer, take away my problems, help me by protecting me.” –Michael Yardney


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